Eurasian-American Chamber of Commerce

of Greater Philadelphia

Who Are We?

Eurasian-American Chamber of Commerce is a union of business representatives of the Russian-speaking community of Greater Philadelphia. Our mission is to be a resource for newly-started and fully-established businesses for a diverse community of immigrants from the former Soviet Union territories.. Russian-speaking community is a part of a Great American nations and we are proud to be the considerable part of the American Business. The consolidation of the Eurasian Community is a basic Chamber's goal. All ideas and work for this purpose is leading to Eurasian-American Chamber of Commerce Membership.

Why Join?

We provide a lot of activity for the Eurasian Community. Some of them are very popular and have a considerable role in the Community development. The structure and potential, also a group of people involved are different. But it is important that people are glad to support every of the Event. EACC is important part of the Eurasian Community. That Mission has a responsibility to do the support and organizing the Cultural Event for Community consolidation. The Events which are coming mostly supported by our Sponsors, some of them are the members of EACC.

Help for Ukraine

Your donation helps to support Ukrainian refugees seeking safety and the warriors defending their families and their liberty.

Our Supporters